Monday, July 30, 2012

Ain't Life Funny?

When we first moved to Wisconsin, I planned to use one of the upstairs bedrooms as a studio, but the moment the first drop of paint hit the carpet, I was banished to the basement. I cleaned out all of the junk, painted the walls with cheerful colors and Pollock like splatter finish, and made my husband install some daylight bulbs. It turned out to be a nice space to host open houses for myself and other artists in the community.

Our current house doesn't really have a space for me to have a dedicated studio, so I am taking a page out of Miriam Schapiro's book. Since we rarely use the dining room for dining....

Now if I can just keep the paint off the carpet...
The good news is that we also have a well lit breakfast room and a screen porch. Maybe I'll just take over the whole house.

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